Premiere and conversation of “Resonance” Signed Music Composition
CUAG invites you to the free public premiere of a groundbreaking Signed Music composition, followed by a conversation with the musicians, artists and project partners.
This is a Zoom event. Please register using the link.
In autumn 2022, Deaf musicians Jo-Anne Bryan, Pamela Witcher and Theara Yim visited Laura Taler’s solo exhibition, THREE SONGS, at CUAG and met with Taler.
Over the next six months they co-created and then performed an extraordinary work of Signed Music, which responds to and resonates with Taler’s work and explores themes of loss, oppression, Deaf pride, home and transformation. Their performance was beautifully captured on film by Susannah Heath-Eves.
The premiere will be followed by a conversation with the musicians and artists, Signed Music expert Dr. Jody Cripps and project lead Dr. Ellen Waterman.
This event wraps up the Resonance project, which brought together artists to co-create experimental music in response to visual art exhibitions at CUAG.
Resonance is co-produced by Ellen Waterman and CUAG, supported by the Research Centre for Music, Sound and Society in Canada and generously funded by a SSHRC Insight Development grant and a Canada Council for the Arts Public Outreach grant.
Access There will be ASL-English and ASL-LSQ interpretation available, as well as live captioning.