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Project Logistics

Primary project contact(s)
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Strategic Site Objectives

An effective website has a reason for being. Objectives are needed as primary confirmation of site goals. To help define your site’s purpose, please list your department’s associated business and strategic objectives below.

In filling this out ask yourself the following:

  • What do you want to get out of the website?
  • What are you trying to accomplish online or why does your website exist?
  • What are the top three priorities for your site?

Here are some examples of strategic objectives for Undergraduate Admissions:

  • Recruit prospective undergraduate students
  • Market undergraduate study opportunities available at Carleton University
  • Raise the reputation and increase brand awareness in regards to Carleton’s undergraduate programs and campus life.
List your strategic site objectives
Please use the plus button to the right to add as many objectives as needed

Site Requirements/Goals

Site requirements, also referred to as site goals, are specific strategies you will leverage to accomplish your strategic objectives. Site requirements define the scope of your website by functional specifications and content requirements. We will be using this list to establish conversions and metrics of success for your site.

For example, if Undergraduate Admissions strategic/business objective is:

  • To recruit prospective undergraduate students.

Their site requirements may include:

  • Increase newsletter sign ups
  • Improve accessibility to program information
  • Simplify the ‘How to Apply’ page to ensure students are getting the information they need Ask yourself what is the number one or top three things you want your visitors to do on your website?

Ask yourself what is the number one or top three things you want your visitors to do on your website?

List your site requirements/goals
Please use the plus button to the right to add as many requirements/goals as needed

Site Audience Profile

Determining your audience profile is an important step in website planning. To help determine your target audience, rate the audiences below on a scale of 0 to 5, with 0 being ‘Not at all important’ and 5 being ‘Extremely important’ in terms of your site’s business objectives.

Current Students (Graduate)
Current Students (Undergraduate)
Distance learners
General public
General public
Local media
Other universities
Parents or guardians
Prospective faculty
Prospective staff
Prospective Students (Graduate)
Prospective Students (Undergraduate)
Research community
Other audience(s)
Please use the plus button to the right to add additional audiences not listed above

Understanding your target audience

Understanding your target audience strongly influences your site’s content and how it is presented. To connect with your audience, it is helpful to surf your site in your target audience’s shoes and try and think like them. With the audience profile(s) you ranked as ‘Extremely Important’ in the last section in mind, please answer the questions below as best as possible.

External Site Reviews

Benchmarking your website against similar organizations is a great way to find new ideas for your site and to identify what others are doing well. In this section, list websites and related content that you found compelling. While checking out the competition is valuable, feel free to list content and sites from different verticals. Rather then solely judging these sites for their design, also try and find new approaches to content and navigation.

External Sites
Site address
What you liked
Please use the plus button to the right to add as many items as needed

Your Current Site