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MCLS Schedule

Day 3: Tuesday June 18

8:00 am – 9:00 am: MCLS Business Meeting [everyone welcome to attend]

10:25 – 11:30 Symposia session 8

9:00 – 10:05 Symposia session 7




Early numerical and non-numerical abilities and their relation with mathematical education

1: Wei Wei, Zhejiang University, China 2: Sara Caviola, University of Leeds

3: Tali Leibovich-Raveh, University of Haifa

4: Krzysztof Cipora, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen,


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Mathematical discourse – The symbols we use to communicate mathematical ideas

1: Sarah Powell, University of Texas

2: Heather Douglas, Carleton University 3: Erica Zippert, Vanderbilt University

4: Discussant: M. Gail Headley, University of Delaware



From the math lab to the math class: can we improve math learning by targeting specific cognitive mechanisms?

1: Flávia H. Santos, University College Dublin 2: Ipek Saralar, University of Nottingham

3: Ann Dowker, Oxford University, England

4: Dror Dotan, Tel Aviv University, Israel



Early Mathematical Screening Tools: Bridging the Research- Practice Gap

1: Marcie Penner, King’s University College at Western University 2: Brianna Devlin, University of Delaware

3: Stephanie Bugden, University of Pennsylvania

4: Rebecca Merkley, Carleton University



Unpacking Manipulatives: Recommendations for the Mathematics Classroom

Chair: Helena Osana, Concordia University 1: Anne Lafay, Concordia University

2: Andrea M. Donovan, University of Wisconsin—Madison 3: Emmanuelle Adrien, Concordia University

Discussant: Martha W. Alibali, University of Wisconsin—Madison


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Cognitive Underpinnings of Mathematics versus Reading Skills: Similarities and Differences

1: Tuire Koponen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland 2: Xiujie Yang, Chinese University of Hong Kong 3: Xiao Zhang, The University of Hong Kong

Discussants: Kiran Vanbinst & Lien Peters

11:50 – 1:30 pm: Lunch + Poster session (P4)

see next page

1:40 – 2:45 Symposia session 9



What I Can Bring to my Math Classroom: Putting Numeracy Research to Work

Chair: Helena Osana, Concordia University

1: Martha W. Alibali, University of Wisconsin—Madison 2: Sarah Powell, University of Texas at Austin

3: Nancy C. Jordan, University of Delaware 4: Tracy Solomon, Hospital for Sick Children


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A variety of early grade mathematics assessments and their uses in South Africa

1: Hanrie Bezuidenhout & Elizabeth Henning, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

2: Ingrid Mostert, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

3: Lara Ragpot, Trinity Western University & Caroline Fitzpatrick, Université Sainte-Anne

4: Ingrid Mostert, University of Johannesburg, South Africa


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Linguistic influences on early numerical development

1: Mojtaba Soltanlou, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen

2: Krzysztof Cipora, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany 3: Jacob Paul, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands

4: Victoria Simms, Ulster University, Northern Ireland

5: Thomas Gallagher-Mitchell, Liverpool Hope University

3:10 – 4:15 Symposia session 10


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Is touch screen technology a double-edged sword in mathematics education?

1: Joanne Lee, Developmental Psychology, Department of Psychology Wilfrid Laurier University

2: Adam K. Dubé, Learning Sciences, McGill University

3: Marjorie W. Schaeffer, Department of Psychology, University of Chicago

Discussant: Erin Maloney, School of Psychology, University of Ottawa


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Early symbolic numerical skills: theoretical and educational implications.

1: Francesco Sella, University of Sheffield, UK

2: Rose M. Schneider, University of California, San Diego, USA 3: Camilla Gilmore, Loughborough University, UK

4: Silke M. Göbel, University of York, UK



Understanding the Factors Affecting Mathematics Development and Supporting Children Through Home and School Interventions Chair: Sheri-Lynn Skwarchuk, University of Winnipeg, Canada

1: Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Elon University,

2: Sarah Melo, Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba

3: Prentice Starkey, WestEd, San Francisco, California

4: Jalisha Braxton, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Poster Session Schedule:


Tuesday June 18th – 11:50 – 1:30


The Contributions Of Cognitive, Numeracy, And Motivational Factors For Middle Childhood Math Performance

Allison Liu


Individual And Developmental Differences In The Neurocognitive Integration Of Number Notations And Their Relation To Math Competence


Darren Yeo


Reverse Distance Effects Do Not Exist

Eli Zaleznik


Learning Under Pressure: Impacts Of Stereotype Threat Vs. Incentives On Conceptual Math Learning

Emily Lyons


Symbols Are Special: An Fmri Adaptation Study Of Symbolic, Nonsymbolic And Non-Numerical Magnitude Processing In The Human Brain

H Moriah Sokolowski


Mathematics Anxiety, Achievement, And Teacher Influences In A Developing Nation

Elayne Teska


Impact Of Association, Interference, And Priming On Math Story Problems

Jill Turner


Math Anxiety Changes In Response To Math Learning, Task, And Difficulty

Kelly Trezise


Do School Psychologists Believe They Know Enough Mathematics?

Kelsey Gould


The Role Of The Base-10 System In Processing Magnitudes Using The Number Line Estimation Task


Kelsey J. Mackay


The Effect Of Formal Math Instruction On Research Findings: A Cross-Educational Study


Kiran Vanbinst


Number Accuracy And Arithmetic In Two Children With Mathematics Learning Disabilities After A Computerized Number Line Intervention

Laetitia Marcon


Inducing A Mathematical Formula Buffers Against Overgeneralization

Lauren N. Sprague


Gender Differences In Math And Spatial Anxiety And Self- Concept In Early Elementary School

Lindsey Hildebrand


Bias Towards Fraction Components And Math Achievement In Low-Income College Students

Linsah Coulanges


How Chilean Children’s And Parents’ Beliefs About Who Does Math Influence Math Learning

M. Francisca Del Rio


Fingers Dexterity Predicts Early Math Skills Development: Insight From 3D Human Motion Analyses

Maëlle Neveu


Parent And Child Spontaneous Focus On Number And Mathematical Talk During Play Activities


Mary Depascale


Flexible Attention To Numerical And Spatial Magnitudes In Early Childhood

Mary Fuhs


Neural Correlates For The Outcome Of Spaced Versus Massed Learning In Arithmetic

Mengyi Li


Exploring Differences In Domain-Specific And Domain-General Abilities Between Mathematicians And Non-Mathematicians.


Michaela A. Meier


Abacus Training Decreases The Prevalence Of Developmental Dyscalculia In China

Yujie Lu


One, Two, Three, What? Investigating The Distance Effect In Sequential Number Processing: A P300 Study


Nathaniel Shannon


The Relation Between Math-Talk And Math-Gestures For Parent- Child Dyads

Raychel Gordon


Fingers Come In Handy: Does Finger Use Support Learning A Pseudo-Number-Word Sequence?


Roberta Barrocas


Measuring Preschool Children’s Affective Attitudes Towards Mathematics

Xiao Zhang


Effects Of A Non-Symbolic Fraction Intervention On Proportional Reasoning


Roberto A. Abreu-Mendoza


Sex Differences In Early Executive Function Components Vary By Measurement Type

Sammy Ahmed


Measuring The Quality Of Parent-Child Interactions And The Relation To Preschool-Aged Children’s Math Skills

Shirley Duong


Linguistic Influences On Number Line Estimation: Digit Identity And Inversion Effects

Sophie Savelkouls


Word-Problem Solving In English Language Learners

Stephanie Hadden


Rules Of Order: Evidence For A Fundamental Bias When Processing The Ordinality Of Numbers

Sylvia Gattas


Enhancing Multi-Digit Number Knowledge Through Number Board Games

Winnie Wai Lan Chan


Assessing Math Performance Errors In Young Girls: Considering Age, Race And Self-Efficacy When Designing Math Interventions

Yvette Harris


Intelligence Mediates The Relationship Between Exact Arithmetic And Verbal Working Memory

Zhang Tingyan


Note: P = Pre-registration poster